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  • Gambar penulisGroovy Indonesia


Elite Games (Philippines) and Gyeonggi Content Agency (South Korea) appointed us as the main organizer to launch its 7 (seven) new mobile games in Neo Soho Mall, West Jakarta in February 2018. Velator (genre : RPG) was the main breakthrough game, alongside other games with different genres for everyone to try. Attended by thousands of game-freaks from all ages in 2 days, we also invited more than 40 national offline and online to cover enough stories. This would be the beginning of more amazing things to come, as Elite Games and GCA are still developing and publishing more e-sport & entertainment products today.   

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Corporate Event Gathering PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia

PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia mengadakan sebuah Corporate Gathering Event dalam rangka memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun yang ke-22. Groovy sebagai event organizer telah dipercaya untuk membantu mengadaka

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